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5 Ways to Tighten Skin After Liposuction

Liposuction could be termed the miracle of medical science that allows one to lose stubborn weight within just a few hours. However, this miracle does come with some disappointing side effects and the most common among them is sagging or loosening up of the skin. Well…after achieving that perfect svelte body with liposuction, the skin sagging can be a great dampener. But, there’s still hope. There are some ways by which you can avoid this skin loosening and tighten your skin after liposuction. Let us have a look at the 5 most effective ways for skin tightening after liposuction.

Tip # 1: Exercise

After undergoing liposuction, you will need to exercise regularly to tone your physique. Simple cardio for 45 minutes every day such as walking, running on the treadmill, jogging and zumba will firm up your skin. Regular exercise will also allow the nutrients to reach your skin more readily.

Tip # 2: Get a nice massage

Massage can be highly comforting for the muscles and the skin. It will do much more benefit to you if you have undergone a liposuction recently. A good massage improves the blood circulation in the skin and rejuvenates it completely. The massaging strokes prevent the skin from sagging and provide a lasting glow that exudes from deep within.

Tip # 3: Lift weights

Your skin tightening efforts will yield results faster if you tone your muscles by lifting weights. It will restore the elasticity of the skin. Lift weights at least three times a week. Choose weight-lifting exercises that target the specific areas of the body where you want to tighten the skin. For example, lunges and squats improve the loose skin on the hips, buttocks and thighs whereas tricep dips and bicep curls work well for tightening the skin on the arms.

Tip # 4: Water therapy

Drinking lots of water will keep your skin hydrated and make it tauter and vibrant. Experts recommend drinking a minimum of 64 ounces of water every day. It will also help flush out the toxins from the body and keep the skin healthier.

Tip # 5: Consider surgery

Well…this should be the last option. It is usually recommended for those who have lost a considerable amount of fat with liposuction resulting in excessive sagging. A surgery will effectively tighten the skin around your stomach, upper arms and neck.

These tips will surely help you achieve the stunning look you always desired after liposuction. At Jacksonville Plastic Surgery & MedSpa, John J. Obi, MD, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, provides safe liposuction treatment at its on-site surgical facility in a safe, caring and comfortable environment. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia thereby providing great comfort and convenience as well as optimum results for people desiring to lose weight. For more information, you can visit or call us on 904-346-0060.